Marriage Resource Available in The Loft
Two Hearts Praying as One is a valuable book for married couples! Mike and Jane Smack, one of our lead couples in Marriage Ministries, have this to say about it:
Praying together is one of the best gifts you can give to one another. This book transformed our prayer life. We used to pray only at meals, but now have established the habit of praying intentionally almost every day. "Two Hearts" gave us the jump-start we needed to get going. God will guide you as He did us. Now that we have finished the book, we have gone back and done it again on a more infrequent basis. One way to do that is to select a particular subject that is pertinent to your marriage or read the day that matches the date. We have found that God really talks to us when we do it that way. Please give this a try. You will not regret it.
Available in the Loft for $7.
Dynamic Marriage
An 8-week class led by trained facilitators designed to enrich your marriage. This course teaches couples how to learn to stop damaging behaviors in their marriage, deal with conflict and learn to meet each other's emotional needs.