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VII. The Least, The Last & The Lost

 The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (Matthew 25:40)

WE ENVISION revitalizing passion for
local and global missions with 40% of the worshipping body participating in hands-on missions by 2017.

Foundational Concept of The Least, the Last & the Lost:  The expansion of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ must be evident to the world, and especially with those upon whom Jesus instructed us to have special compassion.  In the model of Jesus, we want our congregation to serve the sick and the poor in "hands-on" ways - relationally and incarnationally.

Critical Questions for Goal VII

How do we do we inspire our family of faith to new heights of compassion for the poor, especially considering that missions is perceived as a strength for our congregation?

How do we increasingly provide opportunities for local missions for those who come to our family of faith hoping to serve the poor for the first time? 

How do we equip individuals in our family of faith to vision and actualize new ministries of compassion outside of established church missions, and still provide guidance and support?

FAQ for Goal VII

Q.  What does "hands-on mission" mean?  A.  We want our family members to establish relationships with those we are serving.  Any mission that is not in some way relational will not meet these criteria.