FPC Vision and Goals - An Intentional Journey
For our goal is not to be comfortable enough to avoid change; our goal is to change the world.
In October of 2012, our session shared a five-year plan, ‘FPC’s 2012 Vision & Goals,’ with the congregation. That plan included nine goals for the church - sharing the vision, spiritual growth, worship attendance, membership growth, small groups, children and youth ministries, evangelism, missions, and stewardship.
Foundational Decisions Behind Every Goal
1. Emphasize congregational involvement
2. Remain overtly scriptural with goals of God and not of man
3. Focus on Spiritual AND Numerical Growth
4. Express the vision in a small number (9) of memorable, broad goals
5. Utilize the broad scope of each goal to allow a wide range of solutions
6. Restrict the process to a limited time frame of five years
(To see more information on each goal, click below.)
II Be Shaped in the Image of Christ
IV Broaden Our Biblical Community
VII The Least, The Last, & The Lost
IX Serve the Master Who Gave You Life